You Deserved This

/  11:07 PM
      These things I won’t change  They keep me relaxed  It’s always my way  They keep me relaxed  It’s always my way It's been months since my last post here and i truly miss pouring my thoughts here. I just completed
Wrote by Bellamoreway

Peach Pit

/  12:40 PM
Oh peach pit where'd the hours goWhen your orange skin began to glowFrom a hanging branch in gardens home Lift back and see the darkness hid Swallowed up an angled in Looking back at sweetness dim Ripe june had leaf and shady friend
Wrote by Bellamoreway

Have a Nice Day

/  11:45 AM
Strolling around a nice neighborhood, Sweet treats, Taking pictures at a quaint cafe, Comforting conversations, Laughters, Warm tea, Tranquil surroundings. I don't know about you but listing things that makes me happy today leads to a blissful feeling. Have you count yours? Have
Wrote by Bellamoreway


/  1:13 AM
 Its been a while since i pour my thoughts here. These past few months have been... well lets say that i've been coping with the impossibles. Last month was a life's turning point for me. Things crumbled, people left, and i couldn't barely
Wrote by Bellamoreway


/  10:07 PM
I'll be around As soon as i leave this town And we will be alright Alone in the sunlight And time is moving slow As you hair starts to grow I'll be with you sometime Alone in the sunlight Saying hi from Singapore!
Wrote by Bellamoreway

One Fine Day

/  12:25 PM
 Hi! So yup im back with another post and i'm writing this at... 2.34 AM (noctural being it is). Its my last week in Jakarta because i am going to start my master course very soon! I am excited yet nervous for my
Wrote by Bellamoreway
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